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Journal article: Child Abuse & Neglect

Authors include Katherine Manners & Lisa Tieszen

From the conclusion: “While exposure to traumatic narratives of those they serve is inevitable for those working in child welfare and child protection, the growing research base shows potential for preventing negative impacts and promoting positive outcomes of this empathic work.

Project Report: Collective Healing, April 2021

The IACP’s Pathways Toward Collective Healing publication highlights the efforts made between 2016-2020 in five communities across the United States. Intensive work over four years focused on creating a victim-centered, trauma-informed, collaborative response that meets the needs of those most vulnerable amid violence and traumatic events. In the wake of calls to reevaluate public safety, all acknowledge that working toward collective healing is difficult, complex, and long-term work.

In Police Chief Magazine, May 2021

Authors: Katherine Manners, Lisa Tieszen & Chris Scallon

Excerpt from the article: “…Policing personnel not only experience critical incidents or traumatic events directly, but because of the nature of the job, both sworn and non-sworn personnel inevitably experience trauma indirectly…”