At Resilience Works, we offer concrete and evidence-informed resources and training to address the needs of trauma-exposed workplaces.
Staff at all levels will benefit from training that is designed to provoke thoughtful discussion, embed practical skills, and strengthen team relationships. Ultimately, we integrate information about trauma/vicarious trauma into sustainable practices.
“[Your presentation] really is a brilliant piece. As you know, when working with those affected by trauma, the way the material is presented is as important as the information itself. The message is “we can do this work together and we can be okay.”
—Barbara Einsohn MS, IMH-E®, Infant/Early Childhood Consultant, Dallas, TX
Training topics
Building staff knowledge & skills to deliver services to clients:
Trauma-Informed Practice
Vicarious trauma / Secondary traumatic stress
The neurobiology of trauma
Domestic violence
Homicide bereavement: the ultimate loss
How to apply “psychological first aid”
Establishing professional boundaries
Its all in your head: mindfulness in the workplace
Harvesting the rewards: vicarious resilience & compassion satisfaction
Leadership tools:
Reviewing and Integrating trauma-informed principles, policies and practices into your workplace
Strengthening well-being for you, your staff and organization
Developing trauma-informed supervisory relationships
Collective crisis/collective healing: helping staff recover from a critical incident
Creating a crisis response team for your agency